We are not yet
convinced that the hot, new alternative to smoking that “old-fashioned”
cigarette is, in fact, a “safer alternative”. The truth is, the e-cigarette has not been
around long enough for us to see what damage, if any, they will do to the
consumer. The unknown is unsettling with
the new market of E-cigarettes, but what we do know is that the e-cigarettes’
main ingredients include e-liquids, which may contain toxins. How could this affect the insurance industry?
Well, Swiss Re, Ltd. issued a report today on its website discussing that if
the e-cigarettes prove to be more damaging to health than we now know, then it
is only logical that there will be liability claims filed for Electronic
cigarettes similar to the previous tobacco claims, which led to the notorious
tobacco litigation lawsuits.
In light of this
product’s infancy to the market, the few things that we do know about
E-cigarettes is that regulation of the $3 billion market is still in
process. European Governments are
shooting to ban all advertisements of them starting in mid-2016. Also, in our government’s effort to regulate
the new product and its unknown risks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
proposed in April to extend its oversight of the tobacco industry to include e-
cigarettes. Effectively placing age restrictions on the consumers of the e-cigarettes as well as enacting a ban on free samples
and the presence of nicotine-addiction warnings on the product.
The truth is, we
just do not yet know of the repercussions, if any, there will be from the use
of e-cigarettes to the consumer and the public close to the “second-hand smoke”. We may be on the brink of what could be
another massive litigation like the tobacco one, now with the newfangled and
“less-harmful” e-cigarette.
Stay tuned, we
will keep you apprised of any foresight we may have into the potential
liability claims because of the e-cigarette.
By: Denise
Santangelo, Esq.
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